ON LINE CA21111 non-stop research presentations from OneHealthdrugs participants and applicants!

We are pelased to invite to the OHD Martahon days.

Please find below the preliminary program:

25.11.2024 2:30pm-6:00pm Medicinal chemistry and structural biology 

26.11.2024 10:00-1:00pm Integration of Ecotoxicology in drug discovery 

27.11.2024 2:30pm-6:00pm Parasitology and pharmacology

28.11.2024 09:30-1:00pm YRI presentations + STSM presentations & @13:00 Awards


Abstract for presentations should be sent to the below reproted WG leaders who chair the different sessions:

25.11.2024 2:30pm-6:00pm Medicinal chemistry and structural biology

(Abstract submission: Prof. Ulrike Wittig, ulrike.wittig@h-its.org and Prof. Theodora Calogeropolou, tcalog@eie.gr )

26.11.2024 09:30am-1:00pm Integration of Ecotoxicology in drug discovery

(Abstract Submission:Maria Paola Costi  mariapaola.costi@unimore.it and Katarzyna Goździk

27.11.2024 2:30pm-6:00pm Parasitology and pharmacology

(Abstract Submission: Prof. Guy Caljon, Guy.Caljon@uantwerpen.be )

28.11.2024 9:30am-1:00pm YRI presentations + STSM presentations & @13:00 Awards

(Abstract Submission: Prof. Elisa Uliassi, elisa.uliassi3@unibo.it )


The abstract Template is enclosed in this website section.


Participation requirements:

  • prepare an abstract for presenting your research work and send it to the indicated WG leaders
  • register to the event at the link reported below

Please submit your abstract and registration as soon as possible to facilitate the organization, but not later than November 20, 2024

You can participate also without presenting an abstract. Discussion will be open thus representing an excellent opportunity for sharing our results and opinions.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is postponed to 23 November 2024.
The registration link:



A certificate of participation will be availble at the end of the event.

Invitation letter for the Marathon days 25-28 November 2024

Abstract Template OHD Marathon days event

Program of the OHD Marathon days 25-28 November 2024

Marathon days Book of Abstract

DAY 1-summary

DAY 2-summary

DAY 3-summary

DAY 4-summary

Message by Elisa Uliassi, Leader of the HG4 on YRI

Dear OneHealthdrugs Colleagues and Young Researcher Innovators (YRI), 

the OneHealthdrugs Marathon days took place online on November 25-28, 2024 and has been a great opportunity for all young investigators to share and discuss their research and to network with all attendees. The dedicated YRI session held on Nov 28 has been chaired by Elisa Uliassi (HG4 YRI leader) and Gulsah Bayraktar (WG5 leader). This day has provided the ideal international platform for YRI to present their research work in the field of vector-borne parasitic diseases (VBPDs), covering medicinal chemistry/green chemistry, pharmacology/parasitology and ecotoxicology topics.

The marathon was well attended by YRI (>50% of presenters and participants). The YRI session included 5 presentations on STSM conducted during the 2nd year, 5 YRI oral communications and 1 inspiring lecture given by Dr. Sheraz Gul. The session and the discussion after each presentation were highly interactive and interesting. We underscored the urgent need to broaden the drugs available to fight VBPDs and the need to substantially change existing approaches to drug discovery and development. At the end of the presentations, a committee consisting of Prof. Anabela Cordeiro-da-Silva, Dr. Elisa Uliassi and Dr. Gulsah Bayraktar awarded 2 YRIs that presented in the Onehealthdrugs marathon: 1 for STSM and 1 for YRI. The 2 winners are: 

  • Lorenzo Tagliazucchi (STSM), Unimore, Italy

Revealing the Mechanism of Action of the innovative antileishmanial agent H80 through fractionated MS Proteomics, untargeted metabolomics, and fluorescence imaging

  • Rokaya Ahmad, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Towards knowing your target in Leishmania: establishment of validated in situ assays for antileishmanial drug discovery

We hope that we have helped to strengthen YRI's foundation in OHD topics and to increase their involvement in our OHD Action.

I would like to thank all the organizers, speakers and participants for their invaluable contributions and active participation in this marathon. A special thanks goes to Prof. Anabela Cordeiro-da-Silva. We thank Prof. Paola Costi for her guidance and dedication to the OneHealthdrugs COST Action.

Once again, we thank everyone who made this event possible.

With best regards


What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The COST ACTIONS help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



Start date of the Action:


End date of the Action:


CSO approval date:


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Download file

Contact Points

Maria Paola Costi


Anabela Cordeiro da Silva

COST staff

Scientific Officer:
Wioleta Walentowska
Administrative Officer:
Nathalie Warenghien

Administrative Team

Maria Cristina Notarsanto
Maria Esposito and Laura Leonardi