The main purpose of the CA2111 Virtual Networking (VN) strategy is to promote and realise virtual collaboration among the Action participants, under the coordination of the Chair and with the support of the Virtual Networking Support (VNS) manager. 

The Action has started after the COVID outbreak, which forced the scientific community to get equipped and acquainted to work using several of the on-line tools and channels that were meanwhile being developed. Therefore, the Action will exploit the infrastructures available, and the equipment present in the participants’ premises, as well of on-line (free, whenever possible) platforms not only to promote the Action, but also to implement part of its networking activities. 

Specifically, these activities, complementary to the typical Action networking tools, such as short term scientific missions and the attendance to communication / dissemination events, will contribute to the achievement of the COST Action’s objectives, that are reported in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) (, pag.9-11) and to the specific goals set for each working period, as detailed in the Working and Budget Plan. Example of these activities for each Working Period are 5 MC meetings, 4 Core group meetings, 13 WGH/HG meetings, 10 workshops. Regarding the COST Action’s objectives, both Research Coordination Objectives and Capacity building objectives. 

As virtual activities are relatively less time-consuming and more economic than the real ones, the CA2111 Virtual networking tactic is to multiply the networking opportunities, in order to amplify the Action impact by:

  • Disseminating the forefront research finding on the different aspects of One Health;
  • Promoting the knowledge transfer among the different working groups;
  • Integrating the activities and outcomes of the Working Groups with the interests and activities of the Horizontal Groups such as communication, training schools, YRI involvement, research on biodegradability and ecotoxicology of leads; 
  • Fostering collaboration with other networks and communities;
  • Wide spreading toward researchers as well as the wider public the research activity carried out within the network;
  • Promoting and advertising the research activities of the teams participating to the Action;
  • Supporting the Core Group and the Managing Committee in the discussion and planning of virtual events.

Accordingly, the virtual/hybrid activities and events foreseen by the CA2111 are:

  • Working Groups and Horizontal Groups meeting, to detailly plan and/or progress on the WG/HG activities
  • Core Group and MC meetings to steer the Action
  • Workshops to disseminate the knowledge
  • Use of the web site as showcase of the opportunities for collaborations, training and capacity building offered by the Action 

Moreover, with the design and realisation of the virtual networking activities, the Action will contribute to meet the COST inclusiveness policy targets, as these relatively low-cost activities are great opportunities for Young Researchers and Investigators and for researchers working in Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) and Near Neighbour Countries (NNC) to organise events and actively engage in the working groups, gaining experience and visibility.

Virtual Network Strategy description

What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The COST ACTIONS help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



Start date of the Action:


End date of the Action:


CSO approval date:


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Download file

Contact Points

Maria Paola Costi


Anabela Cordeiro da Silva

COST staff

Scientific Officer:
Wioleta Walentowska
Administrative Officer:
Nathalie Warenghien

Administrative Team

Maria Cristina Notarsanto
Maria Esposito and Laura Leonardi