SURVEY 1 Status completed (WG6)

Survey on research perspectives for drug development targeting vector-borne diseases and environmental impact" by Clara Lima.

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This data collection (or survey) was prepared by Clara and some Collaborators. We are expecting to achieve the 95% coverage of the network participants.

This data collection represents the entry ID for all new OneHealthdrugs applicants. Clara Lima has prepared a report and a paper has been published advanced.

Report on SURVEY 1

Environmental impacts of drugs against parasitic vector-borne diseases and the need to integrate sustainability into their development and use

Latest Version Published: 04 Nov 20244:207 (



The current scientific discourse on environmental impacts of veterinary medicines mostly focuses on ectoparasiticides. Meanwhile, the environmental impacts of widely prescribed drugs for the treatment of human and animal parasitic vector-borne diseases (PVBD) remain largely unexplored. There is thus a need for evidence-based information to support guidelines and protocols for sustainable One Health PVBD drug development and use, while promoting greener research practices. Here, we reflect on the potential environmental impacts of PVBD drugs in current use, and the environmental impact of our research practices for developing new antiparasitics.


We conducted a survey of the membership of the “One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond” Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action 21111 (OneHealth drugs) to assess the current appreciation of sustainable drug design concepts and the extent to which One Health and sustainability principles are integrated into PVBD drug discovery and development. The survey also explored which human, technical, and funding resources are currently used in Europe and neighbouring countries in PVBD drugs research.


The survey was conducted and analysed by OneHealth drugs and garnered 89 respondents, representing a response rate of 66% from 32 countries, predominantly European. 87% of participating collaborators worked in Academia; research groups were small (60% with 1–4 researchers) and mostly consist of few researchers, mostly at early career stages (63% <35 years old). Collaborations were mostly between academics, and 60% collaborated with non-European researchers, while funding was mostly from national governments. Motivation for greener research practices was high but there was as yet low implementation of green strategies or the incorporation of ecotoxicological test in drug development workflows, due to cost and unfamiliarity.


We highlight the need for early-ecotoxicological testing of new drug candidates and suggest best practices as we move towards standardized protocols in developing safe and efficacious PVBD drugs.

Grant Information: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research & Innovation as part of the COST Action CA21111 One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond (OneHealthdrugs), as supported by the COST Association (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The COST ACTIONS help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



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