Objective: Increase the number of compounds available for the drug research projects that should be screened adopting a coordinated approach (virtually or in phenotypic approaches) to ensure innovation in anti-parasitic drug discovery. Collection and coordination of data and information about compound design.

T1.1 Collection of the compounds libraries usable for screening purposes by the participants and FAIRDOM database recordings. (D1.1)

T1.2 Coordination of compounds libraries available within the Action participants (criteria: no intellectual protection, proper characterization, availability from in house libraries, from ongoing medchem research programs during the Action). The compounds will be open access to all participants to increase the number of compounds for screening purpose. (D1.2);

T1.3 Targets selection, structure-based drug design by advanced modelling/compound docking on available and novel 3D protein structure (X-ray crystallography and cryo EM-electron microscopy); chemoinformatic methods and artificial intelligence (AI) data analysis from HTS technologies (Bayesan models, and others). (D1.3)

T1.4 Compounds biodegradability pattern prediction. This can be performed using in silico tool that can provide insight into the chemical degradation of organic compounds under various environnemental conditions. (D1.4)

Erjona / ABAZAJ
Albania (AL)
Aleksandar / Cvetkovski
Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Goce Delcev
North Macedonia (MK)
Alfonso T. / Garcia-Sosa
University of Tartu
Estonia (EE)
Andrea / Ilari
Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Italy (IT)
Antonios / Kolocouris
Antonios Kolocouris
Greece (EL)
Ana / Tomas
i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde
Portugal (PT)
Bahne / Stechmann
Germany (DE)
Bojan / Bondžić
ICTM institute, University of Belgrade
Serbia (RS)
Benjamín Ragnar / Sveinbjörnsson
University of Iceland
Iceland (IS)
David / Biedermann
Institute of Microbiology ASCR Prague
Czech Republic (CZ)
Biljana / Otašević
University of Belgrade - Faculty of pharmacy
Serbia (RS)
Michael / Boshart
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Germany (DE)
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
Portugal (PT)
Caterina / Fattorusso
Department of Pharmacy
Italy (IT)
Chiara / Borsari
University of Milan
Italy (IT)
Concetta / Imperatore
University of Nales Federico II
Italy (IT)
Şener / Çintesun
Faculty of Science and Literature
Turkey (TR)
Cemil / Kurekci
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
Turkey (TR)
Corinne Raïssa / Ngnameko
Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies
Cameroon (CM)
Črtomir / Podlipnik
University of Ljubljana
Slovenia (SI)
Daniele / Castagnolo
University College London
United Kingdom (UK)
Daniele / Aiello
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Italy (IT)
David / Magri
University of Malta
Malta (MT)
Dijana / Blazhekovikj - Dimovska
Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, University 'St. Kliment Ohridski' - Bitola
North Macedonia (MK)
Elena / Serino
Department of Pharmacy
Italy (IT)
Eli / Thoré
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Sweden (SE)
Elisa / Uliassi
University of Bologna
Italy (IT)
Elisabeth / Davioud-Charvet
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
France (FR)
Emilio / Parisini
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Latvia (LV)
Essia / Sebai
National Veterinary School of Sidi Thabet, Tunisia
Tunisia (TN)
Fatgzim / Latifi
University of Prishtina ' Hasan Prishtina' , Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, Veterinary Department
Kosovo* (KV)
Federica / Pellati
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Italy (IT)
Giuseppina / Chianese
Department of Pharmacy
Italy (IT)
Sandra / Gemma
University of Siena
Italy (IT)
Giannamaria / Annunziato
University of Parma
Italy (IT)
Giusy / Tassone
University of Siena
Italy (IT)
Gunel / Aliyeva
Baku State University
Azerbaijan (AZ)
Hafiz Muhammad / Safwan
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Spain (ES)
Howard / Fearnhead
National University of Ireland Galway
Ireland (IE)
Huseyin / Istanbullu
izmir katip celebi university faculty of pharmacy
Turkey (TR)
Netherlands (NL)
Igor / Opsenica
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry
Serbia (RS)
Imer / Haziri
University of Prishtina' Hasan Prishtina'
Kosovo* (KV)
Jan / Paeshuyse
KU Leuven
Belgium (BE)
Laval University
Canada (CA)
Constantinos / Athanassopoulos
Greece (EL)
Katerina / Tsitsanou
National Hellenic Research Foundation
Greece (EL)
Lorenzo / Tagliazucchi
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Italy (IT)
Marco / Persico
Department of Pharmacy
Italy (IT)
Manfred / Jung
University of Freiburg
Germany (DE)
Marco / Mazzorana
Diamond Light Source
United Kingdom (UK)
Maria Laura / Bolognesi
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Italy (IT)
Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Italy (IT)
Ramazan / YILDIZ
Turkey (TR)
Michael / Bertram
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Sweden (SE)
Michel / Baltas
France (FR)
Milica / Selakovic
Innovative Centre, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Ltd.
Serbia (RS)
Department of Pharmacy
Italy (IT)
Mahmut Sinan / Erez
Afyon Kocatepe University
Turkey (TR)
Narimantas / Cenas
Vilnius University
Lithuania (LT)
Nenad / Filipovic
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
Serbia (RS)
Natasa / Terzic-Jovanovic
Serbia (RS)
Nikolaos / Thomaidis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Greece (EL)
Omer Gurkan / DILEK
University of Mehmet Akif Ersoy
Turkey (TR)
Outi / Salo-Ahen
Abo Akademi University
Finland (FI)
Paola / Conti
Università degli Studi di Milano
Italy (IT)
Pascal / Marchand
Nantes Université
France (FR)
Federica / Piccolo
Federica Piccolo
Italy (IT)
Cecilia / Pozzi
University of Siena
Italy (IT)
Relja / Suručić
Faculty of Medicine
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
Università di Napoli Federico II
Italy (IT)
Sebastian / Zoll
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Czech Republic (CZ)
Socorro / Espuelas
Institute of tropical health
Spain (ES)
Sheraz / Gul
Fraunhofer ITMP
Germany (DE)
Slavica / Vaselek
Slavica Vaselek
Turkey (TR)
Daniel / Sojka
Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Czech Republic (CZ)
Stoimir / Stojanovski
PSI Hydrobiological Institute, Ohrid
North Macedonia (MK)
Theodora / Calogeropoulou
Greece (EL)
Thomas J. / Schmidt
University of Münster
Germany (DE)
Michele / Tonelli
Department of Pharmacy
Italy (IT)
Uko / Maran
Institute of chemistry, University of Tartu
Estonia (EE)
Ulrike / Wittig
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
Germany (DE)
Zdravko / Dzambaski
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
Serbia (RS)
Života / Selaković
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry
Serbia (RS)

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OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



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