The Editor added the theme of the World Malaria DAY that will be on 24th April 2024

I received about 18-20 publication titles. 

The issue will be dedicated to the OneHealthdrugs topics but it will be extended to Scientists external to OneHealthdrugs Action. This was asked/suggested by the Editor.

Deadline for submission: 1st March 2024

Title: One Health and Vector Borne Parasitic Diseases​

VSI editorial included in the March 2024 ACS ID issue

For those who wants to publish with the COST acknowledgement, please follow the instructions.

Here is the link where you'll find all the info related to your question. Check the box according to the type of support. Publication if article: (c): This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action < insert name of Action or initials, CA21111, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). If a book, all references should appear. Details: follow this link.

The importance of the One Health concept in drug discovery goes beyond the recognition of the deep interdependence among human, animal, and environmental health. These three domains should be considered early in the process highlighting the need for a multidisciplinary approach to develop drugs that are not only safe and effective but also present a low-impact ecotoxicology profile. Vector-borne parasitic diseases (VBPD) are a significant component of the One Health framework, as they affect both human and animal populations and are influenced /and influence the environment. 

At ACS Infectious Diseases, we invite submissions of Articles, Letters, Reviews, Viewpoints, and Perspectives from academic groups, not-for-profit organizations, and industry on research in the fields of human and veterinary drug discovery, parasitology, pharmacology, omics and health science. Recognizing the updated approach of research that can be included in the theme “One Health and Vector Borne Parasitic Diseases”, we are proceeding with a wide scope of interest. The scope includes but is not limited to research and development related to VPBDs involving: synthesis and/or biological activity of antimicrobial agents, pharmacological studies, development of drug delivery/targeting systems, development of biodegradable nanotechnology approaches, assessment/reduction/prevention of the environmental drug impact.

This issue aims to address the principle that drugs against human and animal VBD can be directed to the principles of the optimal activity and safety profile, using innovative delivery technologies with minimum environmental risks. It is intended to pave the way for a new vision for drugs for human and animal infectious diseases in a One Health interconnected world.

Invitation to publish in ACS Infectious diseases

What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The COST ACTIONS help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



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