Dear All,
I hope this letter meets your expectations about receiving the most recent information on our OneHealthdrug COST Action.
This is a newspaper today, not just a letter!
I am sending some information about the ongoing and forthcoming activities of the network. Then you will receive detailed information.
  • From March 1st 2023 the STSM applications has started. These are open to all researchers. The research visiting period can be performed up to the end of August. We have a total of 26659,00 for STSM and for now we have assigned about 7000 euros. So we encourage all of you to invite your young collaborators or yourself to take advantage of this excellent chance to establish new collaborations and initiate novel projects and expertise! 
  • Our first training school  Drug discovery against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond.  8-10/05/2023  - 3 days school, Hamburg-Germany. Organizer Sheraz Gul has completed its call-invitation of selected participants.  We had 23 applications and 12 were granted on the basis of the available grant amount assigned in the budget plan. We do not want to discourage the excluded applicants and keep them alerted about their parallel possibilities of mobility and training (see STSM and remote access to the school teaching during the planned days). Please, find the program enclosed. Thank you very much Sheraz for your effort!
               Due to the high number of participants, we could plan 3 Training schools instead of 2 only. 
  • Grant awarding is also open for: Conference participation is for ITC countries Scientists (1000 euros) and for Dissemination activities (1000 euros)  (contact Elisabeth Davioud  Charvet and  I have been contacted by 1 interested young Scientist. We need an ambassador for the Dissemination activity! 
  • Our Workshops are being organized by the different WGs and HGs. You will receive invitations by e-mail first. If you want to participate, register through the registration sheet included in the invitation. After that, you will receive the official e-mail invitation through the e-cost web platform. Your contribution is highly needed! OneHealthdrugs workshops  are open to COST and non-COST members, therefore you are also invited to disseminate the initiative.
  • Our website is slow to be completed for technical reasons. Let's hope to open it before the next Newsletter!
You have received the entry SURVEY entitled "WG6 - Survey on research perspectives for drug development targeting vector-borne diseases and environmental impact" by Clara Lima.
This data collection (or survey) was prepared by Clara and some Collaborators. We have not yet achieved the 95% coverage of the network participants that is expected, but we should persist, and this will be an excellent starting point for the network. 
This data collection will be an entry ID for all new OneHealthdrugs applicants. 
This questionnaire is being conducted under COST Action 21111 on “One Health drugs for Vector-Borne Diseases”, aiming to survey the current trends and status of the research and drug development for the treatment of Vector-Borne Diseases. In addition, we intend to assess the level of awareness about the sustainability and environmental impact of the process of developing drugs for parasitic Vector-Borne Diseases (PVBDs). To answer each question, please select one or more options to reply to each question. The questionnaire is composed of 33 questions and shouldn't take more than 20 min to reply. The answers will be summarised and analysed. From the results of this survey, we aim to develop training opportunities and guidelines to help researchers and their institutes produce more sustainable and environmentally safe compounds for the treatment of Parasitic Vector-Borne diseases.
This survey has to be filled by each COST participant as an entry document.
Thank you for your help and time!
Survey on compounds database (WG1)
This survey is organized by WG1, Ulrike Witting, (Compound libraries coordination and integration of compound design) of COST Action CA21111 "OneHealthDrugs" and collects information from COST Action members about the handling of chemical compound information and the usage of compound databases/repositories. The results will help to coordinate and integrate compound data from different resources for searching and screening purposes by the COST Action participants. 
We have received 56 answers/150, as a good feed-back. The results will be discussed in one of the next remote meeting and are very useful to start the preparation of our planned compound database. We will inform you further about this activity.
Annette Ives will present at the following symposium: Navigating the Nexus of Infectious Diseases, Public Health and Environmental Sustainability within the Context of Climate Change" organized by the University North (Croatia) & The American Society for Microbiology (US)
The title of the talk is: CA21111: One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond-Providing life-saving drugs to address high unmet medical needs while safeguarding our environment. Presenter: Annette Ives; Science and Communication horizontal group CA21111. Head of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, AC Bioscience SA.
EVENTS Calendar - May
Finally, please stay connected with the events organized in May. Be alerted that for technical reasons the real events hours are different from those of the invitations sent through the COST web platform:
  • WG6 Workshop 2 Awareness raising workshop on Vector Borne Disease. One Health perspective from Europe and Mediterranean region” 04/05/2023  (VIRTUAL) (WG5-WG6) organized by Clara Lima, Harry de Konig
Description. At “Awareness-raising workshop on Vector Borne Diseases. A One Health perspective” we aim at enlightening COST Action 21111 audience and partners on some of the current aspects of the impact of Parasitic Vector-Borne Diseases (PVBD) of animals and humans requiring a One Health approach for effective mitigation. Aspects of human and animal PVBD epidemiology, surveillance, and treatment will be discussed. We hope to broaden our community’s knowledge on some of the diseases targeted on drug development projects, and raise
awareness of the unique challenges of using (and developing) chemotherapy against VBDs in the One Health context.
Please consider to register to this event by connecting the form reported below: 
Announcement enclosed.
Note: careful about the registration link, this is the correct one.
  • WG1 Workshop 1 “Novel leads and drugs and their mechanism of action in the field of vector borne parasitic disease ” 15/05/2023 (VIRTUAL) (WG1-WG2 organized by Ulrike Wittig and Theodora Calogeropoulou
The workshop “Novel leads and drugs and their mechanism of action in the field of vector borne parasitic disease” is jointly organized by WG1 “Compound libraries coordination and integration of compound design” and WG2 “Integration of early phase studies and low environmental impact actions” of the COST Action CA21111 OneHealthDrugs. The focus of the workshop is to bring together experts to report and discuss common definitions of novel leads and drugs and their mechanisms of action. The workshop will give an overview about the state of art in the field and will help to plan a roadmap to achieve basic objectives of the COST Action. 
Please consider to register to this event by connecting the form reported below:  
register here: 
Announcement enclosed
Recording of the past events can be found at the project TEAMS platform Unimore. Ask to watch these again, if interested!
please be patient, I am trying to organize it to act faster. 
EXTERNAL GRANT application :
One Health Commission grant
Dr. Gregory D. Bossart Memorial 
One Health Scholarship2023
Funded by Georgia Aquarium,
Administered by the One HealthCommission
Call for Applicants
Submission Deadline June 9, 2023 
11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time
You can find this call at the following address:
NEWS FROM HG3 (Stakeholder involvement)
Paul Selzer sent the below News/information
Animal health and Sustainability: A Global Data Analysis
Oxford Analytica, a leading research and analysis firm, recently developed a new report – Animal Health and Sustainability: A Global Data Analysis, which was commissioned by HealthforAnimals. The report analyses the relationship between animal health and the three pillars of sustainability, environmental, economic and social. 
HealthforAnimals stated: “The analysis indicates controlling livestock disease in all contexts has multiplier benefits for economic, environmental and social sustainability. This includes reductions in emissions, hunger, malnutrition and poverty in line with the targets established by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. The modelling by Oxford Analytica provides a useful contribution to global knowledge on animal health and its effects on the environment, economies and society, while recognizing there will be significant opportunities for others to build upon it in the future.”
The report’s unique regression model produced findings such as:
  • Economic: A 60% global vaccination rate for beef cattle is associated with a productivity rise of more than 50%.
  • Environment: A fall in livestock disease of 10 percentage points is associated with an 800 million tonne decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • Social: Globally, on average, every two cattle vaccinated is correlated with one person avoiding hunger
  • Poultry disease was associated with a 5% rise in hunger in 2019 – equal to an additional 34 million people going hungry; and
  • Every percentage point reduction in global beef cattle losses due to disease “could provide enough additional production to meet the consumption needs of 317 million people”.
  • Scaling up existing animal health practices could feed 9+ billion without increasing emissions
  • The report also offers case studies that show livestock disease represents $358.4 billion in annual production losses.
See the two documents attached
1. Animal health and Sustainability:
A Global Data Analysis
A report produced for HealthforAnimals by Oxford Analytica (2023)
2. HealthforAnimals underlines link between animal
health and sustainability
21 Apr 2023 - Animal Health | Headline Analysis
Please, do not hesitate to contact me for any questions.
Kind regards
What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The COST ACTIONS help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



Start date of the Action:


End date of the Action:


CSO approval date:


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Download file

Contact Points

Maria Paola Costi


Anabela Cordeiro da Silva

COST staff

Scientific Officer:
Wioleta Walentowska
Administrative Officer:
Nathalie Warenghien

Administrative Team

Maria Cristina Notarsanto
Maria Esposito and Laura Leonardi