The Organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate at MedChem 2024 (XIII Meeting of the Paul Ehrlich Euro-PhD Network) to be held in Rome from the 17th to the 19th of June 2024 in conjunction with COST Action Workshop One Health approach to tackle neglected infectious diseases challenges.
As part of the COST Action workshop Young Researchers and Innovators will be engaged in the presentation of their research work in the field of neglected infectious diseases: Trypanosomiasis, Leishmaniosis, Schistosomiasis, Malaria and others in the field of medicinal chemistry/green chemistry and ecotoxicology. Designing lower environmental impact drugs. 

All  kinds of communications in the area of Medicinal Chemistry can be submitted. One section will be dedicated to the COST Action OneHealthdrugs Workshop: “One Health approach to tackle neglected infectious diseases challenges.” (One Health Drugs). During the workshop young Researchers and Innovators will be engaged in the presentation of their research work in the field of neglected infectious diseases: Trypanosomiasis, Leishmaniosis, Schistosomiasis, Malaria and others in the field of medicinal chemistry/green chemistry and ecotoxicology. Designing lower environmental impact drugs.
The Introduction lecture will be held by prof. ROHINI R. ROOPNARINE

Oral communications (15 minutes) and poster sessions are scheduled every day. The poster session will have two parts: a Flash Presentation of a 2 minute short version of the poster in front of all the delegates in the Conference Room followed by a classical Poster session during the coffee breaks. There is availability for 34 posters. 

All participants are warmly invited to join also for the COST Action OneHealthdrugs Workshop “One Health approach to tackle neglected infectious diseases challenges”. Registration is free, just fill in this Google Form.


Flyer announcement Paul Ehrlich & OneHealdrugs COSAction meeting -

Program of the Paul Ehrlich & OneHealthdrugs Cost Action meeting -

Book of abstract MedChem2024

One Health in Action: Interprofessional collaboration & Education to eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)& Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Here is the link for the movie.

Download the movie using the link below

Summary of the meeting MedChem2024 (18 July 2024)

What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The COST ACTIONS help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



Start date of the Action:


End date of the Action:


CSO approval date:


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Download file

Contact Points

Maria Paola Costi


Anabela Cordeiro da Silva

COST staff

Scientific Officer:
Wioleta Walentowska
Administrative Officer:
Nathalie Warenghien

Administrative Team

Maria Cristina Notarsanto
Maria Esposito and Laura Leonardi