DOI: Drug repurposing: a nexus of innovation, science, and potential. De Rosa, M.C., Purohit, R. & García-Sosa, A.T. Sci Rep 13, 17887 (2023)

The urgency of finding therapeutic solutions for emerging and existing health challenges has never been more pronounced. In the pursuit of this goal, the value of a strategy that makes use of existing resources is being recognized: drug repurposing or repositioning of compounds for new indications. Such approaches are employed against cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, and many other diseases. This Collection, aptly titled “Drug Repurposing”, includes research and perspectives from scientists at the forefront of this innovative field.

The process of drug discovery, safety testing, and clinical trials is an extremely long and costly one. Drug repurposing, or drug repositioning, is an approach which aims to circumvent some of the steps of that process by examining previously approved compounds for their efficacy in new indications. By taking a systematic and computational approach to assessing the suitability of known compounds, researchers are able to speed up successful drug discovery and bring treatment options to patients who need them.


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