Go to Congress!

1. Join us and register for LeishSymposia-2023, an interesting 1-day content-rich program which covers major research findings and provides quality education related to development of effective strategies for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of top neglected tropical diseases, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis.

We believe that you would find it interesting to attend. Registrants will have an access to consented recordings if not able to attend live.

LeishSymposia-2023: International Virtual Symposium on Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis

Conference Dates: Thursday, Dec 7, 2023, 9 AM (Eastern Time)

Scientific Program:https://leishconference.com/pdfs/LeishSymposia-2023-Program.pdf

Conference website link for detailed information: https://leishconference.com/

We are already 100+ expecting more than 150-200 international delegates will address the conference and the low-cost registration will support each and everyone’s participation.

What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The COST ACTIONS help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

OneHealthdrugs CA21111

One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond



Start date of the Action:


End date of the Action:


CSO approval date:


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

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Contact Points

Maria Paola Costi


Anabela Cordeiro da Silva

COST staff

Scientific Officer:
Wioleta Walentowska
Administrative Officer:
Nathalie Warenghien

Administrative Team

Maria Cristina Notarsanto
Maria Esposito and Laura Leonardi